Don’t have a website of your own or not getting orders from your website? No Hyper Inventory and short of knowledge?
Don’t know how to sell through social media?
Third-party marketplaces? Marketing and advertising and selling through Google shopping are too complicated to work on, as a dealer? ‘Tradexa’ is the perfect solution for all your commerce-related needs.
While there will be people telling you about the different types of challenges in the field of E-Commerce, Tradexa is here to ensure that you enrol easily for your own Online Dukaan.
Tradexa literally spoon-feeds you for every challenge you might face online, while you can just focus on selling and managing your inventory and shipping orders.
You will just have to decide and take the first step to sell through your own website online, everything else, literally, is taken care of by the expert team of Tradexa.
Tradexa has supported more than 60+ brands and hundreds of dealers. Now it’s your turn to speed up your business.